10 myths about Goth!

Hello everyone! Let's get straight to the topic. 10 myths about Goth!!
1. ALL Gothic people are Satan worshippers.
That's a total lie. There are people who do worship Satan, not only in this community but everywhere. The majority are atheists. There are also religious people, like me.
2. ALL Goths think they are vampires.
Actually, most of them want to be vampires but know they are human. They may believe in vampires without thinking they-themselves are. Some of them might believe they are vampires or might be vampires (meaning they drink blood)
3. Goths dress up in black.
Ever heard about pastel Goth? Check my post "Trying out pastel Goth". Besides, red and purple are popular by Goths.
4. Goths are always sad.
5. Asian Goths are just kinky people who have no idea about metal.
How racist!In fact Asian people rock Gothic styles! Speaking about racism...
6. Black people can't be Gothic.
Who even came up with this trash?! Everyone can be a Goth if they want to!
7. Gothic people must have black hair.
Again, check out pastel Goth. Plus noone forces a Goth to dye their hair black. A blonde/Ginger etc can rock a Gothic look!!
8. Guy Goths are all skinny and yellow.
WTF IS WRONG WITH WHOEVER SAYS THAT?! Check their brains-I think they're missing.
9. Girl Goths are bitches.
Why would you even call a girl you don't even know that? You have no idea.
10. Goth is a style.
no dear, it's a way of life!
(check out my page named "My bloody utopia" for gothic PhotoShops made by me)


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